Using basic elements of programming to compute cube roots.

Chapter §1.1 of SICP covers some basic elements of programming. In this selected exercise 1.8, we use Newton’s Method and some of those elements to calculate cube roots.

In this solution, I demonstrate concepts such as:

  • Lexical Scoping
  • Compound Procedures
  • Black Box Abstractions
  • Conditional Expressions and Predicates
  • First-Class Functions


Newton’s method for cube roots is based on the fact that if y is an approximation to the cube root of x, then a better approximation is given by the value

\[\frac{(\frac{x}{y^2} + 2y)}{3}\]

Use this formula to implement a cube-root procedure analagous to the square root procedure.


(define (cube-root x)
  (define (cube-root-iter guess)
    (if (good-enough? guess)
        (cube-root-iter (improve guess))))

  (define (good-enough? guess)
    (< (abs (- (expt guess 3) 

  (define (improve guess)
    (/ (+ (/ x
             (expt guess 2))
          (* 2 guess))

  (cube-root-iter 1.0))

In this solution I use the block structure (i.e. nested procedure definitions) to internalize sub-procedure implementations like good-enough? and improve without cluttering the global environment.

I can also reference the parent procedure’s formal argument x from within these sub-procedures thanks to lexical scoping, keeping the function signature tighter.

With a few trial runs, we see that our implementation is both simple and sane.

(cube-root 1.0)
(cube-root -8.0)
(cube-root 64.0)
(cube-root -512.0)
(cube-root 1024.0)
; 1
; -2
; 4.000017449510739
; -8.000000025890593
; 10.07936863575223

You can give it a try yourself with this web-based scheme interpreter.


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